Crawl Space Cleaning in San Diego by Attic Health Professionals

Many crawl spaces have moisture, smell or humidity issues. However, calling this normal is NOT the best practices for a home owner who wants to retain their home’s value and comfort.

Regular crawl space cleaning can prevent many issues from occurring. For example, the crawl space is the easiest for pests to gain access to your home and also the place where many other issues begin.

Making sure you maintain a clean crawl space is essential to keeping your home in peak condition. While problems can begin in the crawl space, they can become quite serious as the crawls space is the basis to the foundation of all structural essentials that make up your home.

Crawl space cleaning is also about moisture removal, and prevention. During your crawl space cleaning, make sure to ask about moisture barriers on all of your crawl space insulation and vapor barriers on the floors to keep moisture from becoming a crawl space humidity problem.

Contact us at (858) 289-6966 for Crawl Space Cleaning with a FREE estimate!

Crawl Space Cleaning has many stages, we make sure to also detect moisture.

Clean Your Crawl Space and Attic too!

Rodent infestations and contamination are the two most common health hazards in an unclean crawl space. These pests can cause property damage, diminish the air quality and making your family sick. Getting regular crawl space cleaning is a great prevention tactic to add to your home’s maintenance schedule.

While many worry about home intruders, pests are most likely to enter your home unnoticed at first and become more of a pest as they get comfortable. Pests in your crawl space can quickly lead to an infestation as the crawl space is a conduit to allow pests access to all other areas of the home. Crawl spaces often have access to the inside of the interior walls of your home, they lead all the way up to the attic, the second most likely place to find pest infestations.

Cleaning your crawl space should be done to remove all the junk that has built up that can only take away from your home’s value and curb appeal. Often when we visit home’s crawl spaces we find old tires, unused pipes, athletic equipment, broken buckets and other discarded junk. When we clean a crawl space, we remove all this junk from your crawl space too!

Our professional Crawl Space cleaning service providers can come to your home to remove rodents, dead rodents, old insulation, and all other contaminants. Here is the strategic process we use for proper crawl space cleaning: